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  • Writer's pictureNansha Tiffany Alcazar

CVAP Training Day 2: How do you kill the time?

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

I slept late last night. I watched FRIENDS. It was a ritual thing. That’s how I kill the time and I want to end it because it’s not helping. I was late for today’s session but I was still able to catch up. My internet was bad despite the upgrade we made. Still, it did not let me take my attention for today’s agenda.

We started with the usual prayer, zoomustahan with my voicemates, and a guest speaker Joshua Simeon, a graduate of the program. His sharing is in line with todays’ topics and I like that his sharing was so informative. He’s a fulltime VO and being a self employed myself, I really do admire people taking risk like that. The variable pay is challenging but I bet it’s much higher than corporate job if you do your work. I like his speaking voice too! His talk is like a warmup of the meaty sessions to come.

The next session is about character voices with Sir Choi. I was scared! Really. But it’s the agitation combined with eagerness. I guess this is what they called out of your comfort zone. I had only played one character voice and that’s Dory from Finding Nemo. I felt like I knew what the activity for the day would be so I was nervous but then I tried

making fun of my voices base on our discussions I discovered that I can make a male voice, a baby voice, and a character I don’t know. I just made it up. XD Right now, I’m still conscious of how I sound but through regular practice, I guess I could make this consciousness go away and be cool with myself.

The character voices and variations were summarized in the afternoon session along with the voice care tips. Ohhh! That one I’m really looking forward too! I didn’t know that gargling salt everyday could help improve my voice. I really like it and I want to do it from now on. The last part was a sample of the character voices. I was not able to volunteer because of my bad internet connection but still I had fun.

At the end of the session, there was a personal group chikahan with Sir Choi. I like it when mentors like him do that because it establishes the connection. But at the end of the day what I realized is this: Everyday, I always look at the clock because I have nothing else to do. I help myself by being busy but not productive. Having this workshop did not keep me busy but kept me alive. These are the discussions that made m

e come alive. And I don’t like it when people say, “How do you kill the time?” because time is so important finance wise or in life. I think we have to start asking the right question. How do you make your time alive? How do you make yourself alive? Let’s stop thinking of how to just pass the

time by the things we don’t like to do. If you don’t like what you do, change your perspective. If you don’t like to change your perspective, change what you do.

Let’s stop thinking of how to just pass the time by the things we don’t like to do. If you don’t like what you do, change your perspective. If you don’t like to change your perspective, change what you do.

We live and connect virtually now but the challenging action is how can you bring life to yourself and to others?

Related post: Youtube Vlog: My Voice Acting Experience Day 2

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